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Augmented Alternate Reality


Date                        2022

Location                 Undetermined

Type                        Competition

Program                  Undetermined

Project team           Santiago Miret and Melisa Brieva

Collaborators         Camila Orgambide, Tomás Kranevitter, Camila Preiti, and Agustina Tafuro

Object, landscape, field and unity seek to establish organizational platforms and, therefore, materials, to problematize alternative conditions for Architecture. The first problem, transversal to the four approaches, is the issue of scale. The scale of approximation to matter seems to be a continuous gradient with a tendency to infinity. And each approach allows interpreting disciplinary issues embedded in the matter that propose new approaches to historical problems. What is the role of scale in relation to size? The relativity of the approach to the problem of matter is linked and is feasible to articulate directly with respect to the organization. The role of Architecture, thus, becomes central regarding how to conceptualize size in relation to the problem of scale.

An alternative reality that does not depend on an anthropocentric vision, can give matter, and its logical construct: the organization, the opportunity to present heterogeneity of scalar approximations that are smaller and smaller and, at the same time, larger and larger with respect to the worlds they build. Likewise, each scale of approach is a world in itself, presenting the possibility of operating objectually, landscape-wise, as fields of proliferation or according to units of repetition. Object, landscape, field and unity seek to present heterogeneous and contemporary approaches to the material problem of Architecture from the organization of its most elusive elements and problems.

Notorious Architecture

Project Research and Computational Theory

© 2019

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